Attributes the System Uses in the Scan Device Point

Attribute Name Description
version This attribute contains the MSD (Master Signal Directory) version information. This attribute is only used if "optimize" is enabled.
version info

This vector of seven contains the RTU version information as:

Element Number Description
0 MSD version number
1 PEI version number
2 Runtime system version number
3 Runtime system version number – page 0
4 List version number
5 ACCOL load version number
6 Feature identification number
prom info

This table specifies the following information:

Field Number Field Name DE Type Possible Values
0 day rtUINT8 (see below)
1 month rtUINT8 (see below)
2 version rtBYTES16 (see below)


Field Name Description
day This field contains the day of the month the PROMs were linked.
month This field contains the month the PROMs were linked.
version This field will either contain an eight byte string identifying the PROM ID for non-protected units, or a string in the following format for 386 protected mode units:
  • first three characters will be the product identification,
  • a space followed by the major version number,
  • a space followed by the update version number,
  • a space followed by the beta version number.
boot prom info

This table specifies the following information:

Field Number Field Name DE Type Possible Values
0 day rtUINT8 (see below)
1 month rtUINT8 (see below)
2 version rtBYTES16 (see below)


Field Name Description
day This field contains the day of the month the PROMs were linked.
month This field contains the month the PROMs were linked.
version This field will either contain an eight byte string identifying the PROM ID for non-protected units, or a string in the following format for 386 protected mode units:
  • first three characters will be the product identification,
  • a space followed by the major version number,
  • a space followed by the update version number,
  • a space followed by the beta version number.
comm out This attribute indicates whether the scan task is in communications with the RTU or not (one indicates failed communications). Acknowledgement messages are not counted; however reads, writes, alarm acks, alarm receipts and RBE receipts are counted.
init status

This attribute indicates the current initialization status of the scan device. Possible values are:

Value Description
0 Not initialized.
1 Initializing MSD version number.
2 Initializing signal MSD number(s).
10 Initialized.
device stats

A vector updated with communication statistics on an ongoing basis. Each element of the vector contains a counter representing the total number of I/O transactions for a specific condition. These values are incremented indefinitely. To count on a timed bases (e.g. daily), an application should copy values into other attributes (see also clear stats). Use the following names, defined in bsap.h, as offsets into the vector:


Index Value Index Name Contents
0 TRANS_ATTEMPTS Transactions attempted to the RTU.
1 TRANS_SUCCESSFUL Successful transactions to the RTU.
2 WRITE_ERR Transactions failed; unable to send write data to the device. This will include application layer timeouts as well as invalid responses.
3 READ_ERR Transactions failed; unable to send read data to the device. This will include application layer timeouts as well as invalid responses.
4 TIMEOUT_ERR Transactions failed due to lack of RTU response.
5 SRBX_RECEIVED Number of unsolicited messages received.
6 PARSE_ERR Transactions failed due to a parsing error in the response.
7 PARTIAL_ERR Transactions failed due to a partial response received.
8 NODE_ERR Transactions failed due to an invalid node address.
9 PARSING_ERR Transactions failed due to a parsing error.


Index Value Index Name Contents
0 TRANS_ATTEMPTS Transactions attempted to the RTU.
1 TRANS_SUCCESSFUL Successful transactions to the RTU.
2 WRITE_ERR Transactions failed; unable to send write data to the device. This will include application layer timeouts as well as invalid responses.
3 READ_ERR Transactions failed; unable to send read data to the device. This will include application layer timeouts as well as invalid responses.
4 TIMEOUT_ERR Transactions failed due to lack of RTU response.
5 MSG_RECEIVED Number of messages received.
6 PARSE_ERR Transactions failed due to a parsing error in the response.
7 PARTIAL_ERR Transactions failed due to a partial response received.
8 NODE_ERR Transactions failed due to an invalid node address.
9 PARSING_ERR Transactions failed due to a parsing error.
10 CTS_ERR Transactions failed; timed out waiting for CTS to go high.
11 DCD_ERR Transactions failed; timed out waiting for DCD to go clear.
12 CRC_ERR Transactions failed; CRC error in one or more frames of the message.
13 BYTE_ERR Transactions failed due bad character count in a returned response.
14 ALARM_MSG_RECVD Number of alarm messages received.
15 RBE_MSG_RECVD Number of RBE messages received.
16 RBE_MSG_SENT Number of RBE messages sent.