How to Configure the Scan System for the BrdcastScanner

Complete the following steps to configure the scan system for the Oracle protocol scan task:

  1. Configure the scan system by specifying the appropriate information in the scan system configuration area of the database.
  2. Run RTAP with the BrdcastScanner included as an entry in RtapEnvTable, with the autostart phase field set to 0 (zero).

Refer to the Scan System section in the RTAP/Plus Integration Manual for configuration of device-independent sections of the scan system. The following sections describe the device-dependent information for the broadcast scan task, including the following:

  1. The point format for the device specific information.
  2. The device-dependent attributes and fields that you must configure.
  3. The device-dependent attributes and fields the scan system sets.
  4. The device-independent attributes that the BrdcastScanner uses in a special way.
[note] Italicized attribute and field names in the following tables represent attributes and fields that you must assign values to. Non italicized entries are set or used by the system.

See also: