Attributes to Configure in the Comm-Port Point

Attribute Name Description
comm info

This table contains the following information:

Field Number Field Name DE Type Possible Values
0 key up delay rtINT16 -32,767 to +32,767 (msec)
1 key down delay rtINT16 0 to 32,767 (msec)
2 channel clear delay rtUINT16 0 to 65,535 (msec)
3 turn around delay rtUINT16 0 to 65,535 (msec)


Field Name Description
key up delay The desired time to wait (in milliseconds) after asserting RTS (request to send), before sending data. If the value is 0 (zero), no RTS is asserted. If the value is greater than zero, the host will wait that number of milliseconds, after asserting RTS, before beginning transmission, regardless of the value of CTS (clear to send). If the value is less than zero, the host will wait until either the CTS signal is received, or the specified number of milliseconds has expired before transmitting. If the specified time expires before CTS is received, the transmission fails.
key down delay The desired time to wait (in milliseconds) after the last data character has been sent, before resetting RTS (request to send). This should be a positive number; if the value is negative, the minimum time of rtNap() is used (see Section 3 of the RTAP Reference Manual for details).
channel clear delay The desired time to wait (in milliseconds) for the DCD (data carrier detect) line to clear before asserting RTS. If this value is zero, the DCD line will be ignored. If the value is positive, the host will wait the specified number of milliseconds for the DCD to clear before asserting RTS. If the DCD line has not cleared before the specified time has expired, the transmission fails.
turn around delay The desired time to wait (in milliseconds) after data has been transmitted in either direction, before a transmission in the opposite direction is initiated. This time must be at least the sum of the "channel clear delay", "key up delay" and "key down delay".
rs232 info

This table contains the following information:

Field Number Field Name DE Type Possible Values
0 baud rate rtUINT16 50 to 19200 (bits/sec.)
1 data bits rtUINT8 7 or 8 (bits)
2 stop bits rtUINT8 1 or 2 (bits)
3 parity rtUINT8 0=none, 1=odd, 2=even
4 reserved rtUINT8  


Field Name Description
baud rate The transmission rate of the communication line in bits per second.
data bits The number of significant bits within a transmitted character or byte.
stop bits The number of bits indicating the end of a transmitted character.
parity The type of parity used for verifying correct communication at the character level. Parity can be either even, odd, or none. If parity is specified, and a parity error occurs, then the character is ignored. This will cause a communication error.
debug level A debug level used to determine the amount of communication port information printed to the debug device. Higher debug levels print more detailed information. A debug level of zero indicates that no debug information is to be printed to the debug device.
debug device UNIX

The device file where debug information is to be printed. The full path must be provided; for example "/dev/ptyqf". In addition to a device file, the following key words are recognized: "stdout" and "stderr"; which send debug information to the specified file pointer.

[warning] If a pseudo-terminal device is to be used, specify the master device; otherwise the driver will be hung on the open waiting for the master side of the pseudo-terminal to be opened.


[caution] If a pseudo-terminal device is used, the scan task must be started before any process tries to open the slave device; otherwise no debug information will be printed.

This specifies a "named pipe" that will be created on the server machine. Client applications can then make connections to this "named pipe" to receive debug information. A separate thread is created to handle each client. There is a maximum of six client connections allowed. Additional clients trying to connect will fail.

Since this is a "named pipe", clients can connect from other machines on the network.

See the tesserNet Scan Debug Utilities for freely distributable client applications.

[warning] Depending on the network connection speed, some debug data may be lost. Tests here, show that for a full 10 Mbit/sec connection, no data is lost.