hist2csv - Historical data to CSV file program


      hist2csv [-e environment] [-s start time]
               [-d directory] [-i interval]


      hist2csv converts RTAP historian tables  into  CSV  (Comma  Separated)
      files with the following format:

              YYYY-MM-DD_<hist table>.csv

          YYYY = year (eg. 1994)
          MM = month (eg. 07)
          DD = day of month (eg. 01)
          <hist table> = historian table's alias with spaces converted to '_'

      The data is saved as follows to the file:

      "<time 1>",item 1,item 1 quality,item 2,item 2 quality,...
      "<time 2>",item 1,item 1 quality,item 2,item 2 quality,...

          <time 1> = time of sample. NOTE that the time is enclosed in
                     double quotes
          item 1 = value of item one converted to string using rtDeToStr(3)
          item 1 quality = quality of item 1
          <time 2> = time of sample. NOTE that the time is enclosed in
                     double quotes
          item 2 = value of item two converted to string using rtDeToStr(3)
          item 2 quality = quality of item 2

      The number of items  is  dependant  upon  how  many  items  have  been
      configured for the history table.

      Note that if this application  is  stopped  and  re-started,  multiple
      values  for  the  same  time may occur, since a new connection to each
      historical table is open'ed on start up.

      The -e argument specifies the RTAP environment name to attach to  (see
      rtRegisterForDebug(3)).   If  this  option is omitted, the contents of
      the environment variable RTAPENV is used instead.

      The -d argument specifies the directory where the historical files are
      kept (the default is . (ie. the current directory)).

      The -s argument specifies the start time for archiving the  historical
      data to the files (the default is 59 minutes, 59 seconds into the next
      hour).  The format is:


          HH = hour (default = -1)
          MM = minute (default = 59)
          SS = seconds (default = 59)

      The -i argument specifies  the  interval  (in  minutes)  at  which  to
      archive historical data to the files (the default is 30 minutes).


      hist2csv logs error messages through RtapMonitor.


      hist2csv was developed by tesserNet Systems Inc.


      histDisplay(1), histArchive(1), RtapEnvTable(4)