watchDog - RTAP environment watch dog process


       watchDog [-d do not increment terminated process counts]
                [-e RTAP environment name] [-i interval (secs)]
                [-t timeout (secs)] [-p watch dog point alias]
                [-q no remote query for procnum] [-v verbose]


      watchDog  is  the  controlling  process  in  an   RTAP   environment's
      monitoring  system.  It  runs  within  an RTAP environment, and uses a
      database point (see -p option) to record activity to various processes
      and/or  other  environments. watchDog receives condition messages from
      RtapWDServer periodically (see -i option). The messages are parsed and
      saved into the database. The database alarm system can then be used to
      trigger other actions based on the status received.

      The -d argument specifies that the watchDog will not increment
      the counts for a terminated process.

      The -e environment name argument  specifies  the environment to  which
      watchDog  is  to  attach  itself (see rtRegisterForDebug(3)).  If this
      option is omitted, the contents of the  environment  variable  RTAPENV
      are used instead.

      The -i  interval  argument   specifies   the  interval  that  watchDog
      expects   to   receive   RTAP   environment  condition  messages  from
      RtapWDServer(1). The default interval is 30 seconds, and  the  minimum
      defined in rtWD_MIN_INTERVAL, is 10 seconds. If the value specified is
      less than the minimum value, it is silently set to the minimum value.

      The -p watch dog point alias argument  specifies  the  alias  name  of
      the watch dog point alias. The default is WATCH DOG.

      The -q argument specifies that the watchDog will not query any  remote
      environments  for  the  watchDog  process number;  instead the process
      number is assumed to be the same as the current watchDog process.  The
      process number can be set in the RtapEnvTable(4).

      The -t timeout argument  specifies the  number of seconds in  addition
      to  the  interval  time  that  watchDog  waits  for  a  response  from
      RtapWDServer(1) before timing out. If a timeout occurs, the status for
      the processes will be set to the value of rtSRVR_NOT_RESPONDING.

      The -v argument specifies that errors should be printed to  stdout  as
      well as being logged through RtapMonitor(1).


      watchDog uses RtapMonitor(1) to log diagnostic messages.


      watchDog was developed by tesserNet Systems Inc.


      RtapWDServer(1), RtapMonitor(1), RtapEnvLookup(1), RtapEnvTable(4)