Attributes the System Uses in the Scan Device Point

Attribute Name Description
IIN The scan task will save the last internal indication value to this attribute. The user can use this value to trigger various actions based on the value.
device stats

A vector updated with communication statistics on an ongoing basis. Each element of the vector contains a counter representing the total number of I/O transactions for a specific condition. These values are incremented indefinitely. To count on a timed bases (e.g. daily), an application should copy values into other attributes (see also clear stats).. Use the following names, defined in dnpScan.h, as offsets into the vector:

Index Value Index Name Contents
0 DL_TRANS_ATTEMPTS Transactions attempted to the RTU.
1 DL_TRANS_SUCCESSFUL Successful transactions to the RTU.
2 DL_NACK_RECEIVED Number of NACK link frames received from RTU.
3 DL_TIMEOUT_ERR Transactions failed due to lack of RTU response.
4 DL_CRC_ERR Transactions failed due to CRC failure.
5 DL_REJECTED_FRAMES Number of link frames not for us.
6 DL_RESET_PERFORMED Number of link level resets performed.
7 DL_DCD_ERR Transactions failed; timed out waiting for DCD to go clear.
8 DL_CTS_ERR Transactions failed; timed out waiting for CTS to go high.
9 DL_WRITE_ERR Transactions failed; unable to write data to the device.
10 AP_WRITE_ERR Transactions failed; unable to send write data to the device. This will include application layer timeouts as well as invalid responses.
11 AP_READ_ERR Transactions failed; unable to send read data to the device. This will include application layer timeouts as well as invalid responses.
12 AP_UNSOL_COUNTER COUNTERNumber of unsolicited messages received.
13 AP_UNSOL_REJECT Number of unsolicited messages rejected due to an invalid sequence number.
14 AP_READ_RESPONSE Number of read responses received.
15 AP_RESPONSE Number of responses received; including reads and unsolicited messages.