Attributes to Configure in the Scan Device Point

Attribute Name Description
dev fail threshold

This value defines the number of poll request failures before the "scan input status" is set to "failed". If this value is zero, the "scan input status" will never be set to "failed".

[note] Note that each request is counted (polls, lists, arrays are separate requests).
rtu name A user supplied Bristol RTU name.
optimize This attribute indicates whether the scan task will use MSD (Master Signal Directory) values (one or two) or signal names (zero) when communicating with the RTU. MSD is more efficient. If this value is set to two, the scan task will always request for the signal MSD number on startup, and then request for the signal value(s) via MSD. Use a value of two when the RTU firmware does not support the retrieval of the MSD load version number. A value of three behaves the same as a value of two, except that the MSD version(s) will not be initially requested for (unless the MSD version is zero).
rbe data

This table specifies the following information, and is only used when an RBE init request is received from the RTU (only when RBE is enabled):

Field Number Field Name DE Type Possible Values
0 scan rate rtUINT16 (see below)
1 scan slice rtUINT8 (see below)
2 stop xmit rtUINT8 (see below)
3 timeout rtUINT16 (see below)


Field Name Description
scan rate This value is the minimum delay between the successive starts of the RBE DB scans. The value is in tenth of seconds and can range from 1 (0.1 seconds) to 65535 (6553.5 seconds). A value of zero is invalid.
scan slice This value is used to divide the work done during a scan session in equal number of blocks known as slices so that lower priority tasks are able to gain some processing time between each slice. It can range from 1 to "scan rate". If it is set to zero or exceeds the scan rate, then a default of one is used. Normally this value should be set to one.
stop xmit This parameter is used by the RBE task as a limit to temporarily stop sending the ERMs (Exception Report Message). When the difference between the current RSN and the RSN in the last report acknowledge message equals this limit, the RBE task suspends the scan process and waits for a valid report acknowledge or an init request message from the RBE manager (scan task). If this value is set to zero, the RBE task never waits for a report acknowledge message for the ERMs. A value greater than 127 is invalid.
timeout This parameter specifies the period of time to wait for the init request before the waiting init message is repeated to the RBE manager (scan task). This value is in tenth of seconds and can range from 300 (30 seconds) to 65535 (6553.5 seconds). If it is less than 30 seconds, then it is defaulted to 30 seconds. If it is zero, then the waiting period is not changed from its previous setting.
send rbe init This attribute, when set to one, will cause the scan task to send a RBE initialization message to the RTU with the values from the "rbe data" table above.
get version info This attribute determines if the scan task will query the RTU's version information, ROM version, and Boot ROM version. This information is saved into the "version info", "prom version", and "boot prom version" attributes. A value of one indicates that the scan task will query for this information on startup.
security level Security level (one to six)
max obj cnt This attribute specifies the maximum number of objects that will be requested for in each poll. Once the data has been received for the request and there are additional objects, another request will be sent out. If this value is set to zero, all objects will be requested for in one request.
global address This is the global address of the RTU.
local address This attribute contains the RTU's local address. To also use the global address, the local address should have the MSB set.
alm state ack req This attribute indicates whether a change in an alarm signal's alarm state will cause the "ack required" value to be set when an alarm RBE message is received.
cache requests This attribute indicates whether requests to the RTU are cached or not. To re-initialize, disable and re-enable the scan input. Caching should be disabled if there are lots (> 10) of poll types configured, as each one could potentually use 2n request slots.
ip flags

Last IP flag value received from the RTU. Possible values are:

Bit Description
6 (MS) RTU is now in backup mode
5 Throttle error
4 Throttle warning
3 Alarms OK
2 First in sequence
1 New conversation
0 (LS) NRT needed
phone number This specifies the phone number to dial when the scan task is talking to a modem.
init timeout This specifies the timeout value (in milli-seconds) to use for the following messages:
  • MSD version requests
  • MSD number requests
If this attribute does not exist, a default of three times the timeout value will be used.
poll sigs left This attribute indicates the number of signals that are left in a poll request when another poll request was received. A non zero value in this attribute may indicate that the poll frequency is too high.
debug level A debug level used to determine the amount of information printed to the debug device. Higher debug levels print more detailed information. A debug level of zero indicates that no debug information is to be printed to the debug device.
clear stats Indicates whether the device stats vector will be zero'ed the next time it is read from the database.